I am 90 days post AirSculpt liposuction and am so happy with my results!

I am thrilled with my results. I still have some loose skin, which is to be expected, but I've dropped from a size 10 in pants to a 6! It was minimally invasive with no anesthesia and incredible results.
Here are 3 tips for AirSculpt recovery to get amazing results:
Wear your compression garments. This one might seem obvious because it's part of what the staff recommend for recovery, but I went above and beyond. Instead of a standard compression garment, I had a custom made faja that I wore far longer and more often than recommended. I truly think it's helped with my shape and swelling. I have more tips on compression garments on YouTube.
Build a healing team. Yes, the doctors and staff are amazing. But, again, I went above and beyond. While lymphatc drainage massages were suggested, I dove deep and found massage therapists who had experience in liposuction recovery and gained so much more. They helped with my garments, gave me incredible insights for wearing them correctly, told me more massage techniques that improved healing, and even suggested the seamstress who custom made my faja.
Watch your sodium intake. You absolutely will swell for months after the procedure, but what makes it worse is salt. I love salt and have a hard time eating less of it. I immed saw a difference in the intensity of my swelling when I cut back.
Learn more about my AirSculpt journey on my YouTube channel: