Summertime is my favorite time of year, but between working out, this Georgia humidity, and the pool/beach, this time of year can be hard on my hair. I’m one of those curly haired girls that prefers to wear my hair straight, but during the summer, it’s the ultimate struggle. I shared my summer hair woes with my hairstylist, Sanae Murata, and she helped me come up with ways to take my hair from a hot mess to hot for the gym, work, and date night. I’m excited to share those with you in the videos below in hopes that they will help you keep it cute even on your worst hair days! I also learned a few important tips from Sanae that I’m sharing to help you maintain healthy hair this summer:

Do the prep work: I workout year round, but during the summer, it’s a a lot easier for me to stay active since the weather is warmer. Sanae showed me the importance of prepping my hair before I work out to make the transition from gym hair to out and about hair easier. Doing a little bit of prep work, such as wrapping your hair at night or slicking your hair back correctly before you work out, goes a long way.
Protect your ends: The main lesson I learned from Sanae is how important it is to protect your ends, especially if your hair is color treated like mine. She showed me some cute, simple hair styles that keep my ends protected from the elements. If you’re trying to grow your hair out, breakage is not your friend, so protecting your ends is super important!
Invest in quality products: Sanae was blatantly honest when she explained to me that all hair products are not created equally! She cautioned against using any products that contain petroleum or aren’t water soluble. I saw firsthand how important a good gel is for slicking my hair back without heat, and I found that Barex’s gel and a stiff brush worked wonders! Sanae also recommended Jane Carter Solutions as one of her favorite brands that can be found in stores like Target.
On Episode 19 of The Duo Podcast, my mom and I sat down with Sanae to pick her brain about all things natural hair! Be sure to listen to the full episode on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or by clicking here.

What tips do you have for maintaining healthy hair during the summer?