About 8 months ago, I started working as a Marriage and Family Therapy Intern at a local private practice. I was thrilled to take this huge first step in my career and, for the most part, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all that has come along with my new position. Although it was exciting, starting my newfound role was definitely an adjustment. If I’m honest, this is the first time I’ve had a “real” job since high school (if we can even count Hollister as a real job), so transitioning from not having a traditional job outside of the home to counseling clients, managing paperwork, preparing presentations, and planning events and workshops was a change. One thing that I learned quickly is that work, especially if you work in a position like me where you deal with people most of the day, can be draining. One by busiest days, I’m at the office from around noon until after 8pm, and although all I want to do when I get home is relax, it can be hard to unplug. While it’s often tempting to think about clients and work tasks at home, it’s not a very good practice of self-care. I use these 3 methods to unwind after work so I can switch from work mode to chill mode to avoid burnout:

Walk it Off
As soon as I get home from work, I put a leash on my puggle and take him for a stroll. Although initially this was more for him than it was me, I realized that it helps me to clear my mind. During our evening walk, I dedicate the first 5 minutes to any lingering work-related thoughts then I turn off my brain and focus on enjoying the scenery. By the time I head back inside, work is forgotten and I’m able to focus on home.
Watch Some Trash TV
Trash TV gets a back rap, but it’s a really great way to unwind after work! In my field, I spend a lot of time listening to other people’s problems and I find myself thinking about them after work hours. I quickly learned that turning on Love and Hip Hop Atlanta and focussing on Kirk and Rasheeda’s problems or turning on Keeping Up With the Kardashians and learning about the newest drama between Blac Chyna and the Kardashian clan was a great way to get my mind off of any and everything work related.
Pamper Yourself
Pampering yourself is a tried and true way to unwind after work. I love doing face masks and scrubs (Lush’s Ocean Salt is my absolute FAVORITE) and I’ve found that there’s just something about thoroughly cleansing my face at the end of a long day that makes me feel like I’m washing away all of my work woes. Long hot showers, relaxing bubble baths, or even an impromptu at-home mani/pedi session are also great ways to pamper yourself and go from work mode to chill mode so that you can enjoy a relaxing evening at home.
How do you unwind after work?
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