Feature of the Month by Karyn Lee-Garcia of KarynLeeGarcia.com

Essential Oils are all the rage in the wellness world. And, there’s good reason for this wellness tool peaking the interest on a global scale. As a society whose more connected than ever, we are taking note of the harmful toxins (bye-bye antibacterial soaps!) in our environment, food and day-to-day products. We are returning to a naturally-derived solution from our plant kingdom. Humans have utilized essential oils in their health, cosmetic & religious rituals since before the Three Kings brought Frankincense & Myrrh to Jesus Christ.
In 2001, I transitioned to natural hair texture and delved into the world of essential oils for healthy haircare maintenance, and two years ago began my journey as an Essential Oils Educator. While I’ve witnessed a tremendous uptick of essential oils in the thriving natural hair community, I’m noticing less usage of essential oils for overall wellness in the black female community.
Personally, I view my vast collection of essential oils as my right-at-my-fingertips medicine cabinet. And, without the laundry list of side-effects rattled off on pharmaceutical commercials. Essential oils support the body naturally allowing it to address ailments & nourish our entire body.

Below are five reasons why black women will benefit from essential oils wide-range of emotional & physical applications:
Five Reasons Why Black Women Should Use Essential Oils Daily
Simplify Your Daily Detox Routine: Starting your morning with a green juice or warm water and a squeeze of lemon will cleanse the body and aid in digestion. However, I suggest an easier solution that requires no additional kitchen supplies, or messy clean-up. Take a warm 8oz. glass of water with a one drop of lemon essential oil. Be sure to check that the oil is food-grade and can be used internally. Wild Orange and Grapefruit also highly recommended.
Balance & Stabilize Your Monthly Cycle: My introduction to daily usage of essential oils began with dōTERRA’s ClaryCalm – Monthly Blend for Women. Prior to topically applying the ClaryCalm blend on my abdomen and the back of my neck, I suffered from monthly cramps, stress and irritability. Now, I am never without this proprietary blend of 11 essential oils to soothe, cool & calm my monthly ebbs & flows.
Easily Settle Stomach Discomfort: Put the over-the-counter chewable tablets & chalky solutions down! I’d also say put the extra french fries down but no one is perfect. Peppermint & Ginger teas are wonderful herbal solutions for stomach discomfort. For a person who’s suffered long-term with bloating and occasional indigestion, the use of essential oils has provided fast-action support. Use the single oils of peppermint, ginger or dōTERRA’s DigestZen® proprietary blend in a soothing tea or rub across abdomen.
Relieve Daily Stressors: dōTERRA’s PastTense® Tension Blend of wintergreen, peppermint, basil, cilantro, marjoram, rosemary, lavender, chamomile & frankincense helps reduce stressful feelings. This convenient roll-on saved me from stressful Los Angeles traffic and sitting in long corporate meetings. While in traffic or in my office, I’d simply roll this blend behind my back and across my tension-holding shoulders. Self-care in a bottle to ease tension which is more affordable and timely than regular massages.
Emotional Well-Being, Need I Say More: Lavender is a common essential oil for its calming support and soothing scent. Lavender is the gateway essential oil into the myriad of single oils (ex. frankincense, ylang ylang, cedarwood, bergamot, patchouli, sandalwood, etc.) that may aromatically & topically ground our ever-fluctuating emotions. The daily usage of an aromatic diffuser and topical application shifted my emotional well-being. In any given day, I am empowered to shift my mood from a calm morning to uplifted/motivated afternoon to a focused evening.
A few mind-blowing facts: one drop of essential oil services every cell of our body, nourishes your blood stream in 30 seconds and 22 seconds to reach our brains.
My wellness mantra is “Everybody is beautiful. And everybody can be well.” I believe that everyone’s mind-body-spirit can feel supported & healthy with essential oils.
Key information to consider when choosing your essential oils: 1) purchase from a reputable company with a significant research foundation; 2) essential Oils are 3rd party tested for quality & purity; 3) ongoing education is available.
Usage information: Follow dilution charts, be cautious of oils that are photosensitive (ex. Lemon) & only use labeled food-grade oils internally. All our body chemistry’s are different and there are several oil recommendations for each ailment. Finally, be consistent and patient. As it takes 21 days to change any habit, it may take your body several applications for noticeable changes.

Karyn Lee-Garcia is a dōTERRA Essential Oils Educator & Prana Flow® Yoga Teacher. She is a former Marketing Professional & Arts Non-Profit Administrator. Karyn is a wife and mother of one daughter residing in Central Coast California. Her mission is to empower all women to strive & thrive towards an optimal wellness lifestyle. To learn more about Essential Oils and schedule a Wellness Lifestyle Introduction, please contact Karyn via www.karynleegarcia.com or karyn@karynleegarcia.com.