When my husband and I spent our first Christmas as man and wife, we adopted my family’s long standing tradition of each opening one present on Christmas Eve. What started because my parents were trying to keep me occupied with a new toy or book until bedtime has grown into something that the entire family participates in when we’re all together. We all select one gift from under the tree, trying to guess if we should open the biggest or the smallest, the one wrapped in green paper or the one wrapped in red, and we all gather around with hot cocoa in hand as we open our first present before we settle in for the evening. Now, even when my husband and I spend Christmas just the two of us, we look forward to opening our Christmas Eve gift before we turn on one of our favorite holiday movies. This year, I decided that it was time that we spice up the tradition a little to make it our own. As part of our 12 Days of Christmas Countdown, our activity for one day was to create a Christmas Eve box.

Our Christmas Eve box is essentially a box of goodies for us to enjoy together on the night before Christmas. Since it will be just the two of us this year, we’re not only celebrating our homeboy Jesus Christ, but we’re also treating this season as a time for romance. To build your own box, you’ll want to include a pair of Christmas pajamas, your favorite snacks, something warm to drink, a game to play or a movie to watch, and, if you’re anything like us, some type of alcohol. You can either place it in a decorative box of some sort, wrap it so that you can open it together, or place it in an open box to display like I did. Our Christmas Eve box contains new pajamas for us to both wear, candy, hot cocoa, Uno cards, his and her mugs, hot cocoa mix, and a bottle of prosecco.

What Christmas Eve traditions do you and your significant other have? We’re excited to not only open one gift each this year, but also enjoy digging into our Christmas Eve box for some fun and quality time.