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My Go-To Cleaning Supplies

On this week’s episode of “Allison Fighting with People on the Internet,” people have been arguing me up and down about two things:

  1. Whether I am a “stay at home mom” or a “work from home mom” as a content creator.

  2. Our decision for my husband to be the primary financial provider for our family while I took on the role of a homemaker.

Funny enough, both relate to the topic that my husband and I delve into on this week’s vlog that’s up on my YouTube channel where we talk about the gender roles in our marriage as we tag team cleaning our house from top to bottom.

I was raised in a home with a housekeeper, but my husband was the housekeeper in his home. We've decided to cut the housekeeper this summer and do it ourselves.

Here's what I got to stock up our cleaning supplies:

Watch our vlog on deep cleaning while we talk about gender roles in marriage:

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