Summertime is FINALLY officially here and for me, that means it’s time to hit the beach! Later this week, my family and I will be headed to San Diego for our first vacation of the summer, and I personally can’t wait to lay on the beach enjoying the breeze with a drink in one hand and a good book in another. Reading more was one of my goals this year and I’ve really enjoyed delving into new authors and genres. If you’re looking for some awesome summer reads for your beach vacation, these books should be on your list!

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
I always find it cool when I read and fall in love with a novel before I find out that it’s going to become a movie and that’s exactly what happened with Big Little Lies. When I started reading Liane Moriarty’s work, there was no mention of HBO mini-series, and between this piece, What Alice Forgot, Truly Madly Guilty, and The Husband’s Secret, it’s been hard for me to stop binge reading this particular author. If you’ve yet to watch the Big Little Lies mini-series, be sure to add it to your list of summer reads. It won’t let you down!
New People by Danzy Senna
This book doesn’t come out until August, but if you have any trips planned towards the end of the summer and need a good beach read, be sure to pick it up! As part of our podcast, my mom and I are launching a mother-daughter book club that will “meet” online biweekly (stay tuned for more information!). We’re so excited to read and discuss New People as our first book. New People is about race, class, love, and how the three intertwine and has gotten some excellent reviews from those who have been lucky enough to receive advance copies.
Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult
Small Great Things is not like other books that I typically read and I think that’s what made it so special. This piece by Jodi Picoult will make you laugh, cry, and question your morals all in the same chapter. While there is no romance and it’s not steamy as many think beach reads should be, it will truly make you think and it’s an awesome conversation starter. On top of that, the author did a great job developing the characters in a way that causes readers to love them and hate them at the same time. If you’re looking for something different to read this summer, Small Great Things should definitely be one of your summer reads. (P.S. – this book is being adapted for film and Julia Roberts and Viola Davis will play the leading ladies)
Have you read any good books lately? If so, leave them in the comments! I’m definitely in search of more summer reads!