I’m a huge Beyonce fan and her infamous Formation performance a few months back inspired me to pull out my old faithful Queen Bey playlist. I’ve been playing all the songs that I know and love on repeat and, at this point in my life, I’m finding little jewels in so many of her hits that I feel like she included just for me. Recently, as I listened to Bow Down, I realized that Beyonce perfectly verbalized something that I so often want to express. “I took some time to live my life, but don’t think I’m just his little wife,” she proclaims. While I take pride in being a wife and honestly really enjoy making my marriage and husband a priority, I’m more than a wifey.
[Tweet “Beyonce said it best: “I took some time to live my life, but don’t think I’m just his little wife!””]
As the wife of a professional basketball player, I often feel that I’m placed in a box and stereotyped. People assume that because I choose to support my husband’s career and follow him around the globe while he plays the game he loves that it means that I don’t have goals and aspirations of my own. I have goals that I work towards (and accomplish) everyday, and being a devoted wife does not prevent me from doing that in any way, shape, or form. Some of the most accomplished women I know are wives that choose to take a break from their own careers to stay at home to raise children or support their husbands in their careers. While I may take time to focus on my marriage and support my husband, I’m never not working towards my goals. Although some may say that you can’t have it all, it is possible to have the marriage you always wanted and the wifestyle of your dreams simultaneously.

I’m a blogger, a daughter, the co-founder of a non-profit organization, a sister, a graduate student, an aunt, and a friend. At the same time, I’m also a loyal, loving, and supportive wife to a strong, driven man. I enjoy being a wife and choose to make my husband and our marriage a priority. When we have children, I’ll likely want to be a stay-at-home mom while they’re small. Neither of these things means that I’m less of a girl boss or less driven than any other woman.
Wives wear so many different hats. We are career women, mothers, business owners, students, and so much more. Sometimes, we are all of these things at the same time. As the daughter of a stay-at-home mom, I witnessed firsthand how much of a job it is to raise children and take care of a household. While we may take time to focus on our marriages and our families or allow our husband’s careers to come first when necessary, we are fierce and should never let anyone make us feel otherwise. In true Beyonce fashion, the next time someone mistakenly assumes that you are “just his little wife” tell him or her not to get it twisted! You are more than a wifey.

Being more than a wifey means maintaining your responsibilities as a wife (and possibly a mother) while also being a girl boss who successfully runs her own business, blog or brand, furthers her education, dominates in her career of choice, or gives back to the community. As women and, particularly, as boss wives, we have common struggles, common experiences, and often, common goals. At the same time, we are all unique and are, therefore, valuable resources to one another. I created the More than a Wifey Wifestyle Group as a space for wives to uplift, empower, and support one another. I hope you will join us as we connect, converse, and collaborate with on another in a space created just for us.

What makes you more than a wifey? I’m starting a new monthly segment where I highlight wives who WERK! Want to be featured or nominate someone you know? Contact me!