We all have those things that we love to buy. Some of us love bags, some love shoes, some love clothes, some love accessories, and others love beauty and haircare products. As crazy as it sounds, I love all of it. I’m a shopaholic and I’m not afraid to admit it.
Last year, I went on a shopping hiatus before the holidays. Although I didn’t put much thought into it at the time, in retrospect, it had a lot of benefits. Next month, I’m challenging myself to participate in what I like to call No Shop November and I hope you all will join me as I refrain from buying anything for myself except things that are an absolute necessity.
There are several benefits to participating in No Shop November:
With the holidays approaching, it’s important that we stop buying things for ourselves to leave our loved ones with things to purchase for us as gifts. Instead of shopping, I’ll be window shopping and actively working on my Christmas list. It’s hard to buy a gift for someone when you think they might go out and grab it for themselves, so I’ll give my family and friends some peace of mind as they begin their holiday gift shopping.
Not shopping in November also allows you to save money for holiday shopping. Setting aside the money that you would usually spend on yourself provides more money that you can spend on buying gifts for others in the season of giving. I expect that by not shopping for myself next month, I’ll set aside at least a few hundred dollars that I can use to get great gifts for those that I love the most.
No Shop November allows us to wear or use things that we already have. I know I’m not the only woman who, despite a closet full of clothes that still have tags on them, always feels like she has nothing to wear. I’m also guilty when it comes to hair products. I’ll go out and purchase a new product that I’m dying to try when I still have multiple containers of various hair oils and gels that are more than half full. Not shopping for a month helps us to not waste things because we are so quick to just go out and buy something new.
Lastly, going on a month long shopping hiatus helps to remind us of the difference between wants and needs. More than once I’ve caught myself saying that “I need a new pair of shoes” or “I need another red lipstick” when, in actuality, these aren’t things that I need at all. No Shop November helps us to realize how much we already have and to be grateful for it.
While I’m not ready to commit to full fledged shopaholics anonymous, I can commit to not shopping for 30 days. Instead of spending money on myself, I will focus on creating my Christmas list (post on that coming soon), saving money for the holidays, buying gifts for others, and appreciating all of the things that I already have. While I’ll still be sharing style posts and sharing my favorites in fashion for this season, my outfits will only utilize items I already own and (hopefully) these posts will help you to build your own wish lists for the holidays to share with your friends and families. I would love for you to join me as I refocus and prepare for what I know will be a fabulous holiday season.
Repost this image on the social media outlet of your choosing with hashtag #NoShopNovember to join the challenge today!

Will you participate in No Shop November? What will be the hardest part and what do you hope to get out of it?