A rap song from a few years back so eloquently states, “Chick you wasn’t with me shooting in the gym” referring metaphorically to women who may not have supported their men as they perfected their crafts and worked hard to build their empires but expect to reap the benefits. For basketball wives like me, the metaphor is something that can be taken quite literally. My husband and I started dating our freshman year of college, long before he began his professional basketball career, and I spent many a night sitting on the bleacher’s with my nose in a text book as he shot free throws and ran drills. On some evenings, I even rebounded for him (although he would often pick on my lack of athleticism and say he would be better off getting his own rebounds). I literally was with him shooting in the gym. I enjoyed the nights I spent watching him work towards his goals and I know that he appreciated my presence. Dating and eventually marrying a professional athlete has taught me a thing or two about the importance of supporting your significant other. Showing support is something that we sometimes over complicate and I’m excited to share the simple ways that I support my husband so that you can apply them to your own relationship.

Simple Ways to Support Your Husband
Show Up
The days of me joining my husband as he works on his midrange shot or ball handling skills didn’t end in college. Although I don’t go as often as I used to, I still make it a point to go with my husband to his workouts when I’m able to. Beyond that, I never miss his games. If he has a game and I am in town and able to attend, I make sure that I’m in the stands. Whether it’s a professional game at a huge arena or a pick up game at a local park, I make sure that I show up. Showing up for your husband is a great way to support him. If he has an event to attend or is giving some sort of speech or presentation and you can go, make sure that you do. If he plays flag football on the weekends, go to his games when you are able to. Your presence will go a long way in showing not only that you support him, but also that you believe in him.
Show Out
Be your husband’s biggest cheerleader! No matter how big or small the accomplishment, show out! Celebrate all of his wins. My husband plays in the Atlanta Entertainment Basketball League (AEBL) each weekend, and this Saturday, I showed up for his game and showed OUT when he had a huge dunk (which you can see below). While plays like his are what my hubby is known for and I’ve seen him make moves like this time and time again, I always get excited and cheer for him.

Show Interest
8 year ago, I didn’t know half as much about basketball as I do now. Through the years, I’ve made it my business to learn about the game my husband loves so much. Showing interest is a great way to support your husband. Learn about the things he loves, ask questions, and start conversations. Never would I have thought that I would be the type of girl that checks Sportando multiple times a day for the latest basketball news. At this point, I often know about what’s going on in the basketball world before my husband does and I love to see the look on his face when I come out of the wood works with basketball lingo that he didn’t realize that I knew.
Show Love
It’s SO important to learn you husband’s love language, and after you do, apply it to show support. Tell him how proud you are of him. Shout him out on social media when he does something amazing in his career or makes huge strides towards a personal goal. Make his favorite dinner or plan date nights to celebrate his wins. After my husband’s AEBL game on Saturday, I made sure to let him know that I was watching. I pointed out things that he did really well and told him that I was proud of him. I also shared a few of his killer plays on snapchat, which made him smile as he watched my store later that evening. There’s no shame in telling the world how proud you are of your man and it’s a great way to show him how supportive you are.
How do you support your husband or significant other? I would love to hear from you?