During my senior year of college, I bought my first home. After graduation, my husband (then boyfriend) and I moved in and started our life together. This townhouse holds a lot of memories for us – we brought our puppy home to this house, had our engagement party here, and spent our first full night as man and wife under this roof. After 4 and a half years, a lot of dents and dings on the walls, and more fun times than I could possibly count, we made the decision to sell. Selling our first home was not an easy decision and it was one that we discussed all summer long before finally putting it on the market. Now that all is said and done and I prepare to move us into our new apartment, I couldn’t be more proud of us for making such an adult decision (which, I must add, is probably the biggest decision we’ve had to make thus far as a married couple). There are a plethora of blog posts out there that explain the reasons to buy a house, and while I’m all for that and think that ownership is important, there are also a few reasons to sell your home that homeowners that find themselves in situations similar to ours should consider.
3 Reasons to Sell Your Home
You’re never home: If you’re a loyal LiveLifeWell reader, it should be no surprise to you that my husband plays professional basketball. Given his career, we are usually only in Atlanta 2-4 months out of the year. We spend the rest of the year abroad and travel as much as we possibly can during his off season. We’re literally never home and it felt silly to own something that we rarely get to enjoy. If you have a home that you’re never in due to work or a desire to travel and see the world, you may want to consider selling.
You have more space than you need: My husband has been in France for a few months now and I’ve been in our 3-story townhouse by myself. I feel overwhelmed with the space and sometimes even find myself a little scared. On top of that, it’s a lot to keep clean. At this point in our life, we just don’t need as much space as we have and it almost does more harm than good. While I once thought that downsizing was only for older empty-nesters, I now realize that sometimes less is more. The desire to downsize is a great reason to sell your home.
You want to save for something bigger than better: This summer, my husband and I spent a lot of our Saturday afternoons looking at houses. While we know we don’t want kids for the next couple of years, it’s something that we’re definitely planning for down the line. We knew that our townhouse wasn’t the home that we want to start a family in, so we started looking for one that might be a better fit. During our hunt for our dream home, we realized quickly that what we had in savings wasn’t quite going to cut it. One of the main reasons we decided to sell was so that we can save money while we continue to look for our forever home so we’ll be prepared when we find it (the pretty penny we made due to the equity in our home didn’t hurt either). If you are in the market for something bigger and better but need to save to make your dream a reality, selling your home and moving somewhere less expensive for a few months may be a good option.
Are you thinking about buying or selling a home? If so, why?
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